You can still renew NordVPN even after you have canceled it to initiate a refund. However, remember that NordVPN offers a refund only twice.NordVPN automatically renews your subscription when it ends.Second, if you have canceled the NordVPN automatic payment option, you will have to repurchase your plan manually or resume the automated payments services. Meaning, if you are unhappy with your current subscription plan, you will have to renew your subscription manually. First, the provider will renew your subscription for the last plan you had at the current prices. However, there are a couple of points to pay heed to under the automatic renewal of NordVPN. Though there may be cases that require a user to manually renew their subscriptions (which we will delve into further down the road), a user can remain at peace knowing that the renewal of his subscription will not be an issue. Thus, it is no surprise that the provider allows for the automatic renewal of its services once a user reaches the end of tenure. NordVPN provides users with an overall comprehensive experience geared towards ease of use.